Phone07907 964565

Don’t give up on your business. Use our special contract resolution service

Stages of the mediation process

We offer both traditional face-to-face mediation and “online” mediation where no face-to-face meeting takes place. In this article, I explain the steps in a face-to-face mediation. This should be your first choice if you do not have specific reasons to use online mediation.

Andrew R Taylor, the Mediator, will apply the same professional impartiality, rules and procedures to every element of every mediation whether conducted online or primarily through a face-to-face meeting.

Our smooth administration process works by providing explanations of the next few steps at every stage. We never leave you in the dark as to what to do next.

One step at a time

If you are new to mediation, start by browsing a few pages of this site. Top of the pyramid is a general introduction to business mediation.

Step 1

Our mediation service starts when you provide us with very basic information about your dispute through our online form at. When you have sent the form to us – and on every occasion when you communicate with us through our website – we follow-up with a comprehensive instructions/suggestions as to what happens next.

Step 2

Once you have registered and told us the bare bones about your dispute the Mediator will spend time assessing the information produced by both participants, the history of your case, what you want to achieve through mediation and how that can best be done. He will then ring you to discuss and answer any questions you may have at this stage, help you assess the time you might need, documents that might help and other procedural issues.

You may like to read our advice on what time you might need;

Step 3

When you have had an opportunity to digest what we have sent to you, you will probably want to discuss appointment details with your conflict-party, then move your mediation forward by:

  • ordering the service you want from our Mediation Fees page;
  • booking a date for your mediation in the Mediator's Diary;
  • accepting the mediation agreement and paying the fee for the mediation service you have ordered.

Once you have paid, the Mediator is now working for you. He is available to you by phone day or night (well, almost!).

Step 4

By now, you will have had the opportunity to use your “dashboard” to upload documents and check up on the information you have given to us.

Step 5

Next, the Mediator will ask each party to prepare a position statement.for you to use on the day of the mediation meeting (or exchange soft copy in advance if a short presentation is not your “thing”)

Step 6

This is the time you should be talking to your conflict-party about a suitable venue and making appropriate arrangements.

From this point, we provide more detailed information about what happens on the day of your face-to-face mediation

What next, now?

To move forward right now, get your conflict-party onside, then both register at our "Request to Mediate" form. At this point you are not committing to anything. Completing the form opens up your own dashboard where all relevant information relating to your dispute will remain for you to check up on, at any time.

You may also be interested in a rather more detailed explanation of what happens on the day.

Contact the Mediator now on

07907 964565


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